Paying it Forward—and Paying it Back—A Heartwarming Story!

Liz Woodward

After working tirelessly for 12 hours to put out an intense fire; firefighters Tim Young and Paul Hullings of New Jersey stopped at a small café for breakfast.

The waitress at the cafe; Liz Woodward, overhead the firefighters talking about the grueling fire.

When it came time for the firefighters to leave; Liz gave them a note on their Guest Check, letting them know that their breakfast was her treat—as a show of appreciation for their courage and bravery.

The firefighters were touched by Liz’s compassion and generosity. To show his appreciation, Tim Young shared Liz’s note on Facebook—encouraging people to visit the café—and to tip Liz well!

The story would be touching enough even if it ended there—but it doesn’t.

The firefighters learned that Liz’s father, Steve, has been a quadriplegic for the last five years. Liz had set-up a donation page to help her father raise money to purchase a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

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Tim Young encouraged everyone he knew through Facebook to help out Liz in her efforts to raise money. Within just a few days, she had received donations of more than $70,000—far more than she had even initially requested.

Liz and her family could not be more grateful to the firemen, and to all those who contributed to her fundraiser.

Paying it forward—and paying it back. With kindness—much can be achieved!

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—Credit: for story content and photos.

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