Medical Matters

Learn to Drive with a CDRS

“How do I get my driver’s license?” It is a question that we are asked often at MobilityWorks, and it is a question that Tim Brant and Brant’s Driving School has been answering for over 28 years. Tim Brant is the owner/operator of Brant’s Driving School and one of the many Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists […]

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May is ALS Awareness Month

Doctor in white uniform with stethoscope holding ribbon with text Stop ALS

Each year, the ALS Association designates May as their national “Awareness” month. Awareness and education are key in the fight for a cure for this disease; which is why the ALS Association encourages everyone to lend their voice to support the cause. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells

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March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

traumatic brain injury awareness month graphic

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), the nation’s oldest and largest brain injury advocacy organization, was founded over 40 years ago by individuals who wanted to improve the quality of life for patients who had sustained brain injuries. The mission of the BIAA is to advance awareness, research, treatment, education and funding. Estimates are

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MS State Advocacy Days

large group of people on steps for MS State Advocacy Days

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society does a wide range of things to help people living with and affected by MS. One of their main focuses is on helping people to take action, from fighting for accessibility to expanding their rights. To do this, one of the things they organize are MS State Action Days. On

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United States Passes Federal “Right to Try” Act

In a bipartisan effort, the United States Federal government recently passed the “Right to Try” Act. This legislation will allow terminally ill patients in every state expanded access to potentially life-saving medications that are still in clinical trials. The bill also offers protection to doctors and pharmaceutical companies who provide the research treatment.

United States Passes Federal “Right to Try” Act Keep Reading »