MobilityWorks Adds New Wheelchair Restraint System to Product Selection

AMF Bruns of America Protektor® Brings New Easy-to-Use, Self-Tensioning Wheelchair Securement System to the USA Market

For over fifty years the family owned businesses of AMF Bruns have been providing the safest, fastest and easiest to use wheelchair restraint systems worldwide. AMF Bruns serves our customers by providing products that ensure a safe and efficient mobility experience.

Today AMF Bruns is recognized world wide as a leader in adaptive driving restraints and products. With their own in-house crash testing facilities, AMF Bruns products meet worldwide certifications of ISO 10542, SAE J2249, CSA Z605 and AS 2942.

Always an innovator in the industries they serve, AMF Bruns has pioneered several restraint products that have revolutionized the industry.

The Protektor® Restraint System retractors are easy to use and interchangeable. They function with any mounting system or vehicle. The retractors are built with a long lasting protected chrome cover. They are self-tensioning and self-locking with no hand tightening; making installation easy and can even be operated with only one hand.

The system also utilizes lap and shoulder belts, similar to a traditional restraint system to keep the passenger safely in the chair when the vehicle should stop suddenly or experience an impact.

Look for detailed information coming soon on our new AMF Bruns product line on the MobilityWorks wheelchair tie-downs and securement page.

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