
I’m Getting a Mobility Scooter… Now How Do I Transport It?

Compatibility With Your Vehicle and Travel Lifestyle are Key Issues There are many options from which to choose when deciding how to best transport mobility scooters. The best option is usually determined by having a professional Certified Mobility Consultant (CMC) perform a needs analysis with you. He/she will ask questions about your physical abilities and

I’m Getting a Mobility Scooter… Now How Do I Transport It? Keep Reading »

Top 5 Accessible Resorts in America

Log Cabin in the Forest

If you are thinking about planning a relaxing getaway in 2020, there are several resorts across the country that offer outstanding accessible accommodations. Whether you are looking to explore the mountains, visit America’s premier theme parks, or just unwind by the pool, these five resorts can help meet any of those desires: 1) Little Valley

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